Group of Aeronautical Structures

Group of Aeronautical Structures

The Group of Aeronautical Structures, or GEA (from the portuguese acronym for Grupo de Estruturas Aeronáuticas), is a research body part of  São Carlos School of EngineeringUniversity of São Paulo (EESC/USP), linked to the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering (Programa de Pós Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica – PPGEM), that focuses on expanding the understanding of materials science and structural analyses mainly for the field of Aeronautical Engineering.

Past publications of the group have explored topics such as Composite Materials and Structures, Structural Health Monitoring, Biopolymers, Piezoelectric components analyses, Metallic Alloys, Fatigue and Damage Propagation.

GEA’s primary goal is to empower undergraduate and graduate students to use computational and experimental tools in order to project and analyse aeronautical structures, focusing in metal and/or composite based structures. Thus, the group is grounded in experiments to develop and validate mathematical material models, known as constitutive models. These models are implemented and further used alongside finite element formulations to predict the behavior of aeronautical structures. At last, the computational predictions are compared with experimental results, and the limitations and potentialities of the developed models, mainly in failure prediction of composites, can be assessed. Furthermore, these models are also used as a background for the development of piezoelectric-based structural health monitoring (SHM) systems. In a nutshell, the core researches of Group of Aeronautical Structures of EESC/USP are:

  • Testing and modeling of metallic and/or composite materials, focusing on prediction and monitoring of damage;
  • Computational and experimental analyses of metallic and/or composite aeronautical structures, focusing on prediction and monitoring of damage.