

The Materials and Testing Lab is primarily used for conducting and evaluating mechanical tests related to various research areas, including strength tests, material characterization, impact, and vibrational testing. The datasets generated from these experiments facilitate straightforward and intuitive comparisons between computational mechanics results and laboratory test data.

  • Experimental Tests

An Instron® Universal Testing Machine is available for uniaxial mechanical testing, including tension, compression, and bending tests. These mechanical tests are suitable for static testing of a wide range of materials, such as composites and metals. The machine has a 250 kN load cell capacity and is equipped with two pairs of clamps: one with a 200 kN capacity and another with a 50 kN capacity for testing low-stiffness materials.

Additionally, the machine can be synchronized with one or two photographic cameras to perform Digital Image Correlation (DIC) analysis, allowing for the precise capture of displacement or strain fields of the specimens. This technique, when applied to mechanical testing, provides both local and average data, making it a more appealing technique compared to strain gauges and extensometers.

Laboratory capabilities also includes:

  1. Bending test apparatus– 3 and 4 points bending (Flexure Modulus and Strenght);
  2. Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) – Mode I;
  3. End Notched Flexure (ENF) – Mode II;
  4. Mixed-Mode Bending apparatus (MMB) – Mode I+II;
  5. Rail-Test apparatus (Composite Shear Modulus);
  6. Digital Oscilloscope and Piezoelectric Sensors that can be attached to the specimens to vibrational analysis;
  7. Impact Test;
  • Data Acquisition

For data processing of dynamic signals, the group is equipped with LabVIEW®, a software that can be integrated with the Charge Amplifier and Data Acquisition Unit for Dynamic Measurements LabAmp®. This equipment is used to measure dynamic signals of mechanical quantities with piezoelectric sensors, Piezotron sensors (IEPE), or sensors with voltage output. The data acquisition device delivers the digitized measurement values directly to a host computer for further analysis. With this equipment, the group can precisely and with high resolution measure acceleration, vibration, force, and other dynamic applications.