Ph.D. Theses
- Maísa Milanez Ávila Dias Maciel
- Title: Exploring Manufacturing Defects and Damage in Filament Wound Variable Angle Tow Composite Structures: Experimental Tests and Multiscale Analysis
- Year: 2024
- Jailto Antonio Prado da Silva
- Title: Mechanical behavior of adhesive joints in composite materials: Evaluation of the influence of manufacturing process uncertainties
- Year: 2022
- Access
- Fernando Madureira
- Title: Investigation of methodologies employed for obtaining the strain energy release rate of adhesive joints in Mode I and II
- Year: 2022
- Access
- Denys Eduardo Teixeira Marques
- Title: Fatigue life evaluation via frequency-domain approach: a new method for SHM systems
- Year: 2021
- Bruno Guilherme Christoff
- Title: Asymptotic Homogenization Method combined to the Finite Element Method to determine effective coefficients of constitutive tensor: formulation, implementation, applications and multiscale analyses
- Year: 2021
- Gregório Felipe Oliveira Ferreira
- Title: Implementation and evaluation of finite element unified formulations for composite plate structures and progressive failure analyses
- Year: 2019
- Murilo Sartorato
- Title: Micro and macroscale analyses for prognosis of composite structures: A new physics based multiscale methodology
- Year: 2018
- Access
- Marcus Vinícius Angelo
- Title: Quasi-static analysis of composite materials tapered structures through a phenomenological failure model and extended finite elements: development of a computacional tool
- Year: 2018
- Access
- Ricardo de Medeiros
- Title: Development of a criterion for predicting residual strength of composite structures damaged by impact loading
- Year: 2016
- Access
- Mauricio Francisco Caliri Júnior
- Title: Contribution to the theory of plates: structural analyses of laminated composites and sandwich structures via unified formulations
- Year: 2015
- Access
- Ricardo Afonso Angélico
- Title: Study of welded composite joints: from the manufacturing process to the mechanical behavior
- Year: 2013
- Access
- Marcelo Leite Ribeiro
- Title: Damage and progressive failure analysis for aeronautic composite structures with curvature
- Year: 2013
- Access
- Volnei Tita
- Title: Contribution to the study of damage and progressive failure on composite structures
- Year: 2003
- Access
Master’s Theses
- Dilki Dias Somanatha Arachchige
- Title: Optimization and analysis of UAV fuselage for medical deliveries
- Year: 2023
- Douglas Rodriguez Nascimento
- Title: Optimization and analysis of UAV wing for medical delivery
- Year: 2023
- Pedro Paulo Carneiro Ferreira
- Title: Prediction of free edge delamination in inspection holes of a composite wing-box for civil transport aircraft via global-local analysis
- Year: 2023
- Guilherme Teixeira Moreira Fernandez
- Title: Failure prediction in composite wing-box for civil transport aircraft via global-local analysis: With focus on skin-stringer certification
- Year: 2023
- Mário Rui Dias Miranda
- Title: Assessment of composite fuselage crashworthiness: A virtual testing methodology
- Year: 2023
- Gabriel Sales Candido Souza
- Title: Evaluation of the behavior of laminated composite plates under shear-after-impact loading conditions: a proposed methodology
- Year: 2021
- Mateus Nasser Silva
- Title: A junction analysis of adhesive bonding between coating and reinforcement via computational modeling
- Year: 2020
- Eduardo Shoiti Sato
- Title: Manufacturing and experimental analyses of biocomposites: comparative study focus on aeronautical structures applications
- Year: 2018
- Access
- Matheus Vilar Mota Santos
- Title: Analysis of delamination of composite laminates through the XFEM based on the Layerwise displacement theory
- Year: 2018
- Access
- Fernando Madureira
- Title: Manufacture and thickness control of single lap joints: mechanical properties characterization of adherents and adhesive
- Year: 2018
- Access
- Jorge David Aveiga Garcia
- Title: A delamination propagation model for glass fiber reinforced laminated composite materials
- Year: 2018
- Access
- Felipe Rendeiro Flor
- Title: Damage monitoring in composite structures via vibration-based method: Metal-composite bonded joints and sandwich structures
- Year:2016
- Access
- Gregório Felipe Oliveira Ferreira
- Title: Composite material structures under tensile and impact loading: evaluation of a material model
- Year: 2014
- Access
- Murilo Sartorato
- Title: Development of a finite element for analysis of piezoelectric smart composite materials: formulation, implementation and evaluation
- Year: 2013
- Access
- Rômulo Vinicius Vera
- Title: Aeronautical interior structures in natural composite: manufacturing, structural and flammability analyses
- Year: 2012
- Access
- Ricardo de Medeiros
- Title: Development of a computational methodology for determining effective coefficients of the smart composites
- Year: 2012
- Access
- Emanuel Nunes Borges
- Title: Manufacturing, computational modeling and experimenting evaluation of hybrid bonded joints monitored through smart composites
- Year: 2012
- Access
- Giovani Sacchetto Daniel
- Title: Damage in composite materials: SAFECom (System of Analysis of Fatigue for Composites)
- Year: 2011
- Access
- Sílvio Venturini Neto
- Title: Study of aeronautic hybrid mechanical joints (metal-composite)
- Year: 2010
- Access
- Mauricio Francisco Caliri Junior
- Title: Material models for polymeric foams applied to aircraft structures in sandwich composite materials
- Year: 2010
- Access
- Ricardo Afonso Angélico
- Title: Evaluation of progressive failure models for composite material structures
- Year: 2009
- Access
- Marcelo Leite Ribeiro
- Title: Software for analyses of bonded joints: composite-composite and metal-composite
- Year: 2009
- Access
- Volnei Tita
- Title: Theoretical and experimental dynamic analysis of beams manufactured from polymer reinforced composites.
- Year: 1999
- Access